Vivo has launched Y81, the company’s latest mid-range smartphone in the ‘Y Series’. It was introduced back in June and packs a 6.22-inch HD+ screen with 19:9 aspect ratio, 2.15mm narrow bezels and 88% screen-to-body ratio, is powered by MediaTek’s latest Helio P22 Octa-Core 12nm SoC with 3GB RAM, 13-megapixel rear camera with LED flash, portrait mode and a 5-megapixel front camera with support for face unlock. Continue reading “Vivo Y81 with 6.22-inch 19:9 FullView display, Helio P22 Octa-Core 12nm SoC, Face unlock launched in India for Rs. 12990”
Tag: Vivo Y81 price
Vivo Y81 with 6.22-inch 19:9 FullView display, Helio P22 Octa-Core 12nm SoC, Android 8.1 announced
Vivo has announced Y81, the company’s latest mid-range smartphone in the ‘Y Series’, soon after the Y83, which was launched in India earlier this month. It has similar specifications, including a 6.22-inch HD+ screen with 19:9 aspect ratio, 2.15mm narrow bezels and 88% screen-to-body ratio, MediaTek’s latest Helio P22 Octa-Core 12nm SoC, 13-megapixel rear camera with LED flash, portrait mode, but this comes with a 5-megapixel front camera and 3GB of RAM, compared to 8-megapixel camera and 4GB of RAM in the Y83. Continue reading “Vivo Y81 with 6.22-inch 19:9 FullView display, Helio P22 Octa-Core 12nm SoC, Android 8.1 announced”