Vivo launched the Y91 smartphone earlier this year in India starting at Rs. 10,990 and later launched the Y91i smartphone starting at Rs. 7990. Both smartphones got a price cut back in May this year and now again both Vivo Y91 and Y91i have received a price cut in India and will be available at revised prices online and offline stores as well.
Tag: Vivo Y91i price cut
Vivo Y91 and Y91i 32GB get a price cut in India, now available starting at Rs. 7990
Vivo today announced price cuts for two of its ‘Y Series’ phones – Y91 and Y91i. The Vivo Y91 which was launched earlier this January for Rs. 10990 was available for Rs. 9990 recently, after the new price cut it is available for Rs. 8990. The Vivo Y91i 32GB version which was launched in March for Rs. 8490 is now available for Rs. 7990, after the price.