Vodafone India has announced that it has invested over Rs. 1000 crore to upgrade its network for more than 1 crore customers in the Delhi NCR region. ” Vodafone SuperNet 4G is available across all major work, educational, recreational and Administrative hubs in Delhi NCR including Gurgaon, Dwarka, Airport, Delhi Cantt, Vasant Vihar, Lajpat Nagar, AIIMS, Dhaula Kuan, South Ex, Azadpur, Naraina, Rajouri Garden, Punjabi Bagh, Wazir Pur, Patel Nagar, CP, Peeragarhi, Okhla, Sarita Vihar, Nehru Place, IIT – Delhi,” said the company. Continue reading “Vodafone invests over 1000cr for network upgrade in Delhi NCR, launches Vodafone U packs”