WeCool, popular for its audio products, launched Moonwalk-M2 TWS earbuds in India today. This has ENC, dedicated gaming, IPX5 splash proof body and promises up to 32 hours of total playback with the case. We got to check it out, and here is the first impressions of the earbuds. Continue reading “WeCool Moonwalk-M2 Unboxing and First Impressions”
Tag: WeCool Moonwalk M2
WeCool Moonwalk M2 TWS earbuds with ENC, Gaming Mode launched for Rs. 1599
WeCool has launched a new pair of TWS earphones dubbed WeCool Moonwalk M2 in the Indian market. The latest audio product from WeCool comes with environmental noise cancellation and a dedicated gaming mode. It offers up to 32 hours of total playback and features IPX5 splash-resistant rating.
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