Westinghouse has unveiled its newest range of televisions in India. The W2 Series offers HD Ready options in 32, 40, and 43-inch sizes, while the Quantum Series presents 4K GTV models in 50 and 55-inch variants. Continue reading “Westinghouse W2 32″ HD, 40 and 43″ FHD and Quantum Series 50 and 55″ 4K UHD TVs launched starting at Rs. 10,499”
Tag: Westinghouse TV India
Westinghouse Pi 24″ HD, 40″ FHD and Quantum Series 55″ 4K UHD TV launched in India starting at Rs. 6999
Westinghouse, a US-based consumer electronics company with a legacy of more than 130 years, is introducing new models in India – the Quantum Series and Pi Series. The Quantum Series will include a 55-inch TV, while the Pi Series will feature 24- and 40-inch models. Continue reading “Westinghouse Pi 24″ HD, 40″ FHD and Quantum Series 55″ 4K UHD TV launched in India starting at Rs. 6999”