A few months back, Facebook-owned WhatsApp decided to cease its support for the various operating system including BlackBerry, Nokia Symbian S60, Nokia S40 and much more by the end of 2016. Continue reading “WhatsApp to continue support for BlackBerry, including BlackBerry 10 till mid-2017”
Tag: WhatsApp BlackBerry
WhatsApp to end support for BlackBerry, including BlackBerry 10 and Symbian
WhatsApp has announced that it will stop supporting BlackBerry, including BlackBerry 10, Symbian S60 and few other older platforms by the end of this year. WhatsApp turned seven years old last week. “As we look ahead to our next seven years, we want to focus our efforts on the mobile platforms the vast majority of people use,” said the company. Continue reading “WhatsApp to end support for BlackBerry, including BlackBerry 10 and Symbian”