WhatsApp’s disappearing chats feature, which deletes chats after a set period of time, is getting some tweaks with the latest beta release on both Android and iOS. The updates are being rolled out to all beta and public build users. Continue reading “WhatsApp’s disappearing messages to stop auto saving media”
Tag: Whatsapp disappearing messages
WhatsApp Disappearing Messages gets 24 hours and 90 days options, in addition to 7 days
Last year, WhatsApp introduced a new feature in their chats called Disappearing Messages, where messages in group chats and individual chats would automatically be deleted after 7 days. After testing earlier this year, it is now expanding the feature to include a 24-hour and 90 days option as well. Continue reading “WhatsApp Disappearing Messages gets 24 hours and 90 days options, in addition to 7 days”
WhatsApp testing 90 days option for Disappearing Messages feature
Back in November last year, WhatsApp introduced the 7 days option for Disappearing Messages feature, and the company has been working on expanding the feature to include a 24-hour option as well. Now, WhatsApp is reportedly testing a new option for this feature. Continue reading “WhatsApp testing 90 days option for Disappearing Messages feature”
WhatsApp begins rollout of Disappearing Messages feature; starting with 7 days option
Just 3 days ago in a blog post, WhatsApp confirmed and released some information about a long rumored feature for their app called Disappearing Messages. The feature has been in development and beta testing for many months now, and is finally rolling out globally to everyone over the next one month.
WhatsApp announces Disappearing Messages feature; arriving in future update
For many months now, WhatsApp has been working on an anticipated feature called Disappearing Messages, where users would be able to send temporary messages that would essentially self-destruct. WhatsApp has now come out and announced that the feature will be officially coming soon, along with some information on how it will work.
Continue reading “WhatsApp announces Disappearing Messages feature; arriving in future update”
Whatsapp beta testing disappearing messages in groups
Whatsapp is reportedly testing a feature that enables disappearing messages, that will automatically remove messages after a certain period of time. The feature has been in development in Whatsapp Beta’s under different names and is part of Whatsapp’s cleaning tools.
Continue reading “Whatsapp beta testing disappearing messages in groups”