Last year, WhatsApp introduced a new feature in their chats called Disappearing Messages, where messages in group chats and individual chats would automatically be deleted after 7 days. After testing earlier this year, it is now expanding the feature to include a 24-hour and 90 days option as well. Continue reading “WhatsApp Disappearing Messages gets 24 hours and 90 days options, in addition to 7 days”
Tag: WhatsApp disappearing messages 24 hours
WhatsApp testing 24 hour option for Disappearing Messages feature
Last year in November, WhatsApp introduced a new feature in their chats called Disappearing Messages, where messages in group chats and individual chats would automatically be deleted after 7 days. WhatsApp is now reportedly working on expanding the feature to include a 24 hour option as well.
Continue reading “WhatsApp testing 24 hour option for Disappearing Messages feature”