During the launch of the Department of Telecom’s Sanchar Saathi website, Union Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw revealed that over 3.6 million or 36 lakh WhatsApp accounts have been banned in India. This action by WhatsApp reinforces its dedication to ensuring user safety and security. Continue reading “WhatsApp cracks down over 36 lakh scam accounts in India”
Tag: whatsapp privacy
WhatsApp partners with The Indian School of Public Policy for privacy education programme
Privacy is the utmost priority for all IM apps and companies are introducing various measures to improve privacy and increase security like end-to-end encryption, privacy settings for groups and more. In similar lines, WhatsApp has announced a partnership with The Indian School of Public Policy for a privacy education programme.
Whatsapp updates Android version, you can now turn off “Last seen” feature
Whatsapp has been acquired by Facebook is slowly sinking into everybody and now, Whatsapp have updated their Android application with features that were there in the beta version. The latest update to Whatsapp adds some very important privacy options like letting you to disable “last seen” feature.
Continue reading “Whatsapp updates Android version, you can now turn off “Last seen” feature”
Whatsapp takes a breather after investigation of privacy violation by Canadian and Dutch authorities
California-based Whatsapp inc., the ubiquitous internet messaging service that rapidly became popular on all SmartPhone platforms has been facing privacy issues since its humble beginnings, but it was stepped up another notch when Dutch and Canadian privacy investigators found some disturbing violations relating to how Whatsapp handles the contacts library. However, once the investigation was over, with Whatsapp offering to fix some flaws quickly, the issue seems to be partly resolved. But authorities say it is far from over, and there is more work to be done, from Whatsapp’s end.