WhatsApp is working on quick reactions for status updates, rolling out a redesigned gallery view for desktop app

WhatsApp Voice Notes

Earlier this year, WABeta discovered a new WhatsApp feature called “quick replies to status updates” that would allow users to respond to status updates by using emojis. Thanks to the recent WhatsApp beta for Android update, which reveals that WhatsApp is finally working on adding the same feature on the Android app, the feature was discovered during the development of the WhatsApp Desktop beta. Continue reading “WhatsApp is working on quick reactions for status updates, rolling out a redesigned gallery view for desktop app”

WhatsApp is working on quick reactions for status updates and showing status updates in chat list

WhatsApp Voice Notes

After the last announcement about communities and message reactions, WhatsApp is now working two new features: quick reactions for status updates and showing status updates in the chat list. Continue reading “WhatsApp is working on quick reactions for status updates and showing status updates in chat list”