According to reports from WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is currently in the process of developing two new features for an upcoming app update. These features include the addition of WhatsApp usernames and a redesigned settings interface. Continue reading “WhatsApp is working on Usernames, Redesigned Settings Page”
Tag: WhatsApp upcoming features
WhatsApp said to be working on undo deleted message, double verification for logins and more
Lately, we’ve been seeing lots of leaks about the upcoming features via beta builds of the app. Some new and upcoming features have been found by WABetaInfo in the latest Google Play Beta Program of the application. Furthermore, WhatsApp has begun a wider rollout of its large file sharing feature. Let’s get deep into all the forthcoming features on this famous instant messaging app. Continue reading “WhatsApp said to be working on undo deleted message, double verification for logins and more”