WhatsApp is a cross-platform smartphone messenger which is available for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Nokia phones. Today, WhatsApp Messenger for iPhone went free in the Apple iTunes store. The app lets you send pictures, audio notes and video messages to your friends. Continue reading “WhatsApp Messenger for iPhone now free in AppStore”
Tag: whatsapp
WhatsApp coming to Windows Phone 7
One of the most popular cross platform messaging services ie WhatsApp is finally making its way over to Windows Phone 7.5 which is also known as Mango. WhatsApp sent across a cryptic message via its official Twitter channel which indicated that it was working on an app for Mango.
WhatsApp Goes Temporarily Free For iPhone Users
Whats the best way to cross communicate between an Android , Symbian , Blackberry or iOS device ? Why its WhatsApp of course ! Widely regarded to be one of the best cross platform messenger services , it uses the phone’s data connection to transmit messages , photos , videos , audio and even engage in group chats.
Continue reading “WhatsApp Goes Temporarily Free For iPhone Users”