Wings has introduced a new series of laptops called Nuvobook on Flipkart, which they’ve labeled #BuiltforNewIndia. These laptops, named S1, S2, V1, and Pro, will go on sale next month, making Wings the first Indian brand to sell laptops directly to consumers. Continue reading “Wings Nuvobook laptops with 11th gen Intel Core i3/ i5 / i7 processors launched starting at Rs. 27,990”
Tag: Wings Nuvobook laptops India launch
Wings Nuvobook laptop series powered by Intel processors launching in September
Wings Lifestyle, an Indian brand known for audio and smartwatch products, is launching its first laptop series in mid-September. The Nuvobook series will be exclusively available on Flipkart and will cater to different segments of customers, from students to gamers to creators. Continue reading “Wings Nuvobook laptop series powered by Intel processors launching in September”