At the Redmi Note 3 launch event Hugo Barra, Vice President of Xiaomi Global said that the flagship Mi 5 smartphone will launch in India in April. Now Xiaomi has started sending press invites for the event. The Mi 5 was announced at an event in China and at the MWC 2016 last month. It packs a 5.15-inch 1080p display, is powered by a Quad-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor with Adreno 530 GPU and has 3GB of RAM. Continue reading “Xiaomi Mi 5 launching in India on March 31”
Tag: Xiaomi Mi 5 India launch
Xiaomi Mi 5 launching in India in April, 20000mAh Mi Power Bank coming soon
Xiaomi launched its mid-range Redmi Note 3 smartphone at the Mi Bluetooth speaker in India at an event earlier today. At the launch event Hugo Barra, Vice President of Xiaomi Global said that its flagship Mi 5 smartphone will launch in India in April. He said that the 20000mAh Mi Power Bank will launch in India soon and all the attendees of the event get a free Power Bank. But no details about the price yet.
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