Xiaomi just announced the Mi 9 Pro 5G, the company’s latest flagship smartphone as it had promised. It has a 6.39-inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED display with Corning Gorilla Glass 6 protection and 90.7% screen to body ratio since it has 3.6mm small chin, same as the Mi 9, but this is is powered by the latest Snapdragon 855 Plus 7nm Mobile Platform with Snapdragon X50 5G modem and support for 7-antenna 5G bands for improved signal reception. The phone features download speed of up to 2.02Gbps (lab) and 1.78Gbps (field test), is 10 times faster than Mi 9, says the company. It also has special, customized L shaped vapor chamber cooling system, compared to the Mi 9, so the processor’s core temperature can be reduced by 10.2 °C. It has up to 12GB of RAM and runs Android 9.0 (Pie) with MIUI on top.
Tag: Xiaomi Mi 9 Pro 5G
Xiaomi Mi 9 Pro 5G with Snapdragon 855 Plus, up to 12GB RAM and Mi MIX 4 5G concept to be announced on September 24
After rumors, Xiaomi today confirmed that it will announce the Mi 9 Pro 5G at an event in China on September 24th. It will also showcase the next-generation Mi MIX phone with 5G concept, which is rumored to come with a 108MP Samsung sensor, but the final phone might launch sometime later this year. The company is also expected to introduce MIUI 11 as well as new Mi TV models at the event. Continue reading “Xiaomi Mi 9 Pro 5G with Snapdragon 855 Plus, up to 12GB RAM and Mi MIX 4 5G concept to be announced on September 24”