Xiaomi to launched its range of Mi TVs in India, including its 65-inch 4K TV, as it had promised. There is also a Mi TV 4X 43-inch and 50-inch 4K TV models with HDR support. There is also Mi TV 4A 40-inch Full HD TV. All these have 20W speakers with Dolby and DTS support and run PatchWall 2.0 with Android TV 9.0. It has also introduced Data Saver for India with data counter and cast from phone to TV easily.
Tag: Xiaomi Mi TV 4A 40″
Xiaomi Mi TV 4A 40-inch Full HD Smart TV with with A.I. voice remote, Dolby audio announced
Xiaomi introduced 43-inch and 49-inch 1080p, 55-inch and 65-inch 4K HDR TVs and the cheapest 32-inch smart TV in the Mi TV 4A series last year. In January it introduced a new 50-inch 4K HDR TV in the 4A. Today it has announced a new 40-inch Full HD TV in the series in China, ahead of the launch the Mi TV 4A series in India next week. Continue reading “Xiaomi Mi TV 4A 40-inch Full HD Smart TV with with A.I. voice remote, Dolby audio announced”