Xiaomi just launched the Xiaomi Pad 7, the company’s latest tablet in India, as it had promised. It features an 11.2-inch 3.2k 144Hz LCD screen with Nano Texture Display option that offers anti-glare and anti-reflective features. This reduces 99% of interference light, reduces reflectivity by 65%, and better eye protection, so it is clear even under strong light, said the company. Continue reading “Xiaomi Pad 7 with 11.2″ 3.2K 144Hz display, Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 launched in India starting at Rs. 27,999”
Tag: Xiaomi Pad 7
Xiaomi Pad 7 launching in India on January 10
Xiaomi has started teasing the Xiaomi Pad 7, the company’s most expected successor to the Xiaomi Pad 6 in India ahead of launch on January 10th. The teaser says the Xiaomi Pad does it all. Continue reading “Xiaomi Pad 7 launching in India on January 10”
Xiaomi Pad 7 and Pad 7 Pro with 11.2″ 3K 144Hz display, Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 / Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 announced
Xiaomi just announced the Xiaomi Pad 7 and Xiaomi Pad 7 Pro, the company’s latest tablets at an event in China along with the Xiaomi 15 series, as it had promised. Continue reading “Xiaomi Pad 7 and Pad 7 Pro with 11.2″ 3K 144Hz display, Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 / Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 announced”
Xiaomi Pad 7 series and Xiaomi Band 9 Pro to be announced on October 29
After confirming the Xiaomi 15 series announcement on October 29th. Xiaomi has confirmed that it will introduce the Xiaomi Pad 7 series alongside. The image shows the design of the tablet along with the keyboard and a stylus. Continue reading “Xiaomi Pad 7 series and Xiaomi Band 9 Pro to be announced on October 29”
Xiaomi Pad 7 and Pad 7 Pro with 11.6″ 3K 144Hz display, Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 / 8s Gen 3 surface
It has been over a year since the Xiaomi Pad 7 series was introduced, and the Xiaomi Pad 6S Pro 12.4 was introduced earlier this year, now the specifications of the Xiaomi Pad 7 has surfaced, thanks to tipster @体验more. Continue reading “Xiaomi Pad 7 and Pad 7 Pro with 11.6″ 3K 144Hz display, Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 / 8s Gen 3 surface”