Xiaomi opened crowdfunding for its new Precision Screwdriver Kit in India back in May and started shipping them to backers last month. Today it has started open sale of the kit. It has 24 anti-rust Precision Bits, comes with Aluminum Alloy Cover, magnetic box for storage, Aluminum Alloy Handle and is suitable for conventional household appliances like quartz watches, laptops, cameras, radios, computers, mobile phones, drones, etc. Continue reading “Xiaomi Precision Screwdriver Kit goes on open sale in India for Rs. 1299”
Tag: Xiaomi Precision Screwdriver Kit
Xiaomi opens crowdfunding for Precision Screwdriver Kit in India for Rs. 999
Xiaomi today opened crowd funding for its new Precision Screwdriver Kit in India, as expected. It has 24 anti-rust Precision Bits, comes with Aluminum Alloy Cover, magnetic box for storage, Aluminum Alloy Handle and is suitable for conventional household appliances like quartz watches, laptops, cameras, radios, computers, mobile phones, drones, etc. Continue reading “Xiaomi opens crowdfunding for Precision Screwdriver Kit in India for Rs. 999”