Xiaomi already confirmed that it will launch three new smartphones in the Redmi 6 series in India on September 5th. Now Amazon.in has confirmed that the phones will be available exclusively with them. The teaser shows only two phones, one with a notch and the other without it, so the third phone could be exclusive to Flipkart.
Tag: Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro India
Xiaomi Redmi 6, Redmi 6 Pro and Redmi 6A launching in India on September 5
Xiaomi has posted a teaser confirming the launch of three new smartphones in the Redmi 6 series – Redmi 6, Redmi 6A and the Redmi 6 Pro. The company already confirmed that it will not launch the Mi A2 Lite in India, so it will be launching the Redmi 6 Pro instead. The event is set for September 5th.
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