Xiaomi recently scheduled an event on November 24th, to introduce a new product. There were rumors that the company might unveil the Redmi Note 2 and even the Mi 5. Yesterday Lin Bin, co-founder and President of Xiaomi posted a teaser image of the upcoming smartphone in Golden color on weibo. This is the same smartphone that got certified by TENAA last week. Continue reading “Redmi Note 2 Pro teased by Xiaomi president ahead of Nov 24 announcement”
Tag: Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 Pro
Xiaomi’s 2015 leaked roadmap hints 4 new Mi smartphones in next 6 months
Xiaomi’s 2015 product roadmap leaked from China hints that the company has 4 new Mi smartphones in pipeline for this year, but it’s not clear if this roadmap is only for China region or has been planned for simultaneous global release. Continue reading “Xiaomi’s 2015 leaked roadmap hints 4 new Mi smartphones in next 6 months”