Xiaomi just launched the Redmi Note 6 Pro, successor of the Redmi Note Note 5 Pro in India, as it had promised. The major change is the 6.26-inch Full HD+ screen with a notch, 19:9 aspect ratio and dual front cameras, in addition to dual rear cameras, and the primary 12-megapixel camera now has f/1.9 aperture and 1.4μm pixel size for better low-light images. Both these have AI features including AI portrait and AI scene recognition. The rear camera can recognize scenes in 32 categories, including 5 which are India specific, and the front camera can detect 12 categories. Continue reading “Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro with 6.26-inch 19:9 FHD+ display, dual front and rear cameras launched in India starting at Rs. 13999”