After announcing price cuts for Mi A2 and Redmi Note 5 Pro smartphones earlier this week, Xiaomi has announced second price cut for the Redmi Y2, selfie-focused smartphone in the country, after its first price cut in November this year. After Rs. 1000 price cut, the Redmi Y2 3GB RAM with 32GB storage version now costs Rs. 8999 and the 4GB RAM with 64GB storage version is available at Rs. 10,999. It is available at new rates on, and offline stores. Continue reading “Xiaomi Redmi Y2 gets another price cut in India, now starts at Rs. 8999”
Tag: Xiaomi Redmi Y2 price cut
Xiaomi Mi A2, Redmi Note 5 Pro and Redmi Y2 get a permanent price cut in India
After temporary price cuts during festive sales recently, Xiaomi has announced Rs. 1000 permanent price cut for the Xiaomi Mi A2, Redmi Note 5 Pro and Redmi Y2 smartphones. The company says that this is to celebrate Xiaomi being is the top Smartphone Brand for 5 quarters in a row as per the latest IDC report. The company says that Xiaomi India has an amazing 42% share of dual camera phones. It recently hiked the rates of Redmi 6, Redmi 6A, 10000mAh Mi Powerbank 2i and Mi TV (32″ Pro & 49″ Pro).
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