Xiaomi just launched the Redmi Y3, the company’s latest budget selfie-focused smartphone and the successor of last year’s Redmi Y2 in India as it had promised. It has a 6.26-inch HD+ waterdrop notch display, is powered by Snapdragon 632 SoC with up to 4GB of RAM, runs Android 9.0 (Pie) with MIUI 10 and features a 12-megapixel rear camera with LED flash along with a secondary 2-megapixel camera for capturing depth information in portrait shots and AI scene detection, similar to the Redmi 7, but this comes with a 32-megapixel camera on the front with 4-in-1 pixel binning technology, AI portraits and AI face unlock. Continue reading “Xiaomi Redmi Y3 with 6.26-inch HD+ display, Snapdragon 632, 32MP front camera launched in India starting at Rs. 9999”
Tag: Xiaomi Redmi Y3
Xiaomi India teases smartphone with 32MP front camera, Redmi Y3 with bigger battery expected soon
Update — April 11, 2019: The company is teasing a bigger battery for the phone.