Lenovo has launched a range of laptops and convertibles under the Ideapad and Yoga series in India. The Yoga 720 and Yoga 520 convertibles were announced at MWC earlier in February. Continue reading “Lenovo Yoga 720, Yoga 520 convertibles launched in India for Rs. 74500 and Rs. 39600”
Tag: Yoga 520
Lenovo Yoga 720, Yoga 520 Windows 10 convertible laptops announced
Lenovo has announced two new Yoga convertible laptops – the Yoga 720 and 520 at MWC 2017. The Yoga 720 comes in 13-inch and 15-inch display variants while the Yoga 520 sports a 14 inch display.
Continue reading “Lenovo Yoga 720, Yoga 520 Windows 10 convertible laptops announced”