YotaPhone with dual displays has got another price cut in India Rs. 8,999. It was launched in India on Flipkart back in October last year at a price tag of Rs. 23,499. It has got a huge price cut to Rs. 17,999 in one month after the release. Earlier this year it received a price cut to Rs. 12,999, now the smartphone is available on Flipkart for Rs. 8999. Since the release the YotaPhone’s price has dropped by Rs. 14,500. Continue reading “YotaPhone gets a price cut in India again, now available for Rs. 8999”
Tag: YotaPhone price cut India
YotaPhone gets another price cut in India, now available for Rs. 12999
YotaPhone with dual displays was launched in India on Flipkart back in October at a price tag of Rs. 23,499. It has got a huge price cut to Rs. 17,999 in one month after the release. Now the smartphone has received price cut of Rs. 5,000 and is available for Rs. 12,999 from Flipkart. The YotaPhone has a 4.3-inch (1280 x 720 pixels) LCD multi-touch main screen and a 4.3-inch (360×640 pixels) E-Ink rear screen. The phone also has special YotaPhone gestures and Put2Back applications for the back screen. Continue reading “YotaPhone gets another price cut in India, now available for Rs. 12999”
YotaPhone gets a price cut in India, now available for Rs. 17999
Dual-Screen YotaPhone manufactured by Yota Devices was launched in India on Flipkart last month at a price tag of Rs. 23,499. It has got a huge price cut of Rs. 5,500 and is available for Rs. 17,999 from Flipkart. This was first spotted by Maktechblog. Continue reading “YotaPhone gets a price cut in India, now available for Rs. 17999”