ASUS launched its flagship 6Z smartphone in India last week. We already brought you the first impressions of the smartphone, here we have the camera samples from the phone. The phone packs a 48-megapixel primary camera with 1/2″ Sony IMX586 sensor with 0.8μm pixel size, f/1.79 aperture lens that uses Quad Bayer technology for 12MP effective images, along with a 13-megapixel f/2.4 aperture 125-degree ultra-wide lens so that you can use it as both front and rear cameras, and the motorized flip mechanism can be used in 90-degree position. Continue reading “ASUS 6Z Camera Samples”
Tag: Zenfone 6 Camera Samples
Asus Zenfone 6 Camera Samples
Asus launched the Zenfone 6, top-end smartphone in the Zenfone series in India recently. We already brought you the unboxing, benchmarks and the photo gallery of the smartphone, here we have the camera samples of the smartphone. It has a 13-megapixel rear camera with LED flash, BSI sensor, five-element lenses, f/2.0 aperture and comes with optical image stabilization. The whole package is called the “pixelmaster” by ASUS. Continue reading “Asus Zenfone 6 Camera Samples”