Asus has announced ZenPad Z8 (ZT581KL), the company’s latest tablet for US operator Verizon Wireless, after it was leaked recently. It has a 7.9-inch QXGA display, is powered an hexa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 650 SoC and runs on Android 6.0.1 (Marshmallow) with ZenUI on top. It has a 8-megapixel rear camera and a 2-megapixel front-facing camera. Continue reading “Asus ZenPad Z8 with 7.9-inch display, Snapdragon 650, 4G LTE announced”
Tag: ZenPad Z8
Asus Zenpad Z8 with 8 inch display, Snapdragon 650 leaked
Asus ZenPad Z8 tablet has been leaked by popular tipster Evan Blass, @evleaks. He has shared an image of the tablet and revealed important specifications as well.
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