ZTE’s sub-brand Nubia in India launched its Nubia Z11 mini on Thursday. The handset boasts of a glass and metal design combination as well as a 16-megapixel rear camera with phase-detection auto-focus (PDAF). Continue reading “Nubia Z11 mini Review: Good looking camera phone, a bit overpriced”
Tag: ZTE Nubia India
Nubia set to enter Indian smartphone market soon
Nubia, one of the popular Chinese smartphone makers under ZTE has announced that it is all set to enter the Indian market soon. It has also opened accounts on its social channels and also has a separate website for India, nubia.in. The website just shows a box with the caption Now, There is no limit to what you can achieve. This doesn’t give any hint about the smartphone that will launch in the country first. Continue reading “Nubia set to enter Indian smartphone market soon”