Airtel Blackberry Prepaid Service at Rs.80 per week

Vodafone and Tata Docomo are offering daily rental plans for Blackberry Service on Prepaid. Airtel does not have a daily rental plans but weekly plans starting at Rs.80 per weeek for Email and BBM and Rs.100 per week for Email, BBM and Browsing. Find the various plans after the break. Continue reading “Airtel Blackberry Prepaid Service at Rs.80 per week”

Airtel App Central completes 4 months – 13 million downloads

India’s leading mobile operator Airtel  entered the app store game with the Airtel App Central . The company has just announced the store has crossed 4 months and seen over 13 million downloads since its inception.Users across downloaded apps at a speed of 1.2 downloads/second. Airtel App Central boasts of over 71,000 Apps and the according to the company its the largest App Store in India
airtel app central
Continue reading “Airtel App Central completes 4 months – 13 million downloads”

Airtel Launches TweetSMS to send/receive tweets on your phone


Cashing on the phenomenal growth of Twitter since a year, Airtel is launching a third-party application that allows you to receive Twitter SMS updates directly onto your phone called “tweetSMS”.

Initially when Twitter was launched, they had SMS updates option and they were sending the users their replies and their friends updates via SMS but somewhere in 2008 Twitter stopped sending free SMS updates to users, and instead started teaming up with different service providers around the world to create an economical and easy way to get SMS updates on your phone. In India, Twitter has teamed up exclusively with Airtel to offer the SMS service for an unknown period of time.

Continue reading “Airtel Launches TweetSMS to send/receive tweets on your phone”

Bharti Airtel reaches 100 Million Customers

New Delhi, Delhi, India, Friday, May 15, 2009 –Bharti Airtel becomes the 3rd largest single country mobile services operator in the world and 6th largest single country integrated telco in the world

— Announces a series of Network augmentation and Customer service initiatives
– To roll out over 100,000 BTS sites across the country
– To establish a State of the Art Customer Service Management Centre
– 100,000 Airtel Service Centres to be set up in rural India by March 2010

Bharti Airtel, Asia’s leading Integrated Telecom services provider, today announced that it has crossed the 100 million customers mark. This milestone makes the company the 3rd largest single country mobile services operator and sixth largest in-country integrated telecom operator in the world. Continue reading “Bharti Airtel reaches 100 Million Customers”

Confirmed: 3G coming at the end of this year in India

Indians were still waiting for 3G mobile services when other countries are forgetting 3G and looking towards 4G mobile technologies. Its time for the Indians to be happy now as, India’s Union Minister of Technology and Communication has made it clear that 3G telecom services in India will be up and running at the end of this year. Continue reading “Confirmed: 3G coming at the end of this year in India”

Airtel launches Mobile Payment Services

In the wake of growing mobile VAS (value added services) market in India, Airtel has launched a range of mobile commerce solutions in India. For this Airtel has partnered with companies like HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, SBI, Corporation Bank, VISA and mChek. Continue reading “Airtel launches Mobile Payment Services”

Vodafone India loosing to Airtel

In a recent report released by COAI its evident that Airtel making Vodafone India (formerly Hutch) go nuts !!

Bharti Airtel’s net addition in Jan 08 were better than the previous best !!

Vodafone’s net additions are getting lesser..

So the question is whether Airtel is growing at Vodafone’s expense ?

Would it have been better if Vodafone stayed as Hutch Continue reading “Vodafone India loosing to Airtel”

Nokia Siemens Networks bags multi-million Euro IVR deal from Bharti Airtel

If your on Airtel Network , You can expect a lot of Voice Based services from Bharti Airtel in the coming years

Nokia Siemens has just bagged a multi-million euro deal from Bharti Airtel for deployment of a single Interactive Voice Response (IVR) . Bharti Airtel awarded this pan India contract to Nokia Siemens Networks for deployment of a single Interactive Voice Response (IVR) platform across all 23 circles. The three year turnkey and multi-million Euro contract includes designing, planning, systems integration and optimization services to enhance overall customer experience. The new IVR solution will enable Airtel to deliver Services such as Voice SMS, Televoting, Call Management Services (Reach-me service / Missed Call Advisor), Caller Ring back Tone (CRBT) and Voice Portal among others on a faster time-to-market basis, reduce OPEX costs due to optimized network utilization, and increase security by creation of a layered architecture towards Interactive Voice applications.

Nokia Siemens Networks will deploy and integrate the latest state-of-the-art platforms to provide a multi-technology, multi-vendor integrated solution that includes systems integration services. The platforms are HP OCMP (Open Call Management Platform), Video Gateway, Televoting Application and ASR/TTS (Automatic Speech Recognition / Text-to-Speech Engine. The solution will be ready for commercial operation by April 2008 and is expected to scale up to one billion minutes of usage per month in three years for Bharti Airtel. Continue reading “Nokia Siemens Networks bags multi-million Euro IVR deal from Bharti Airtel”