Xiaomi’s Black Shark has introduced the Black Shark Gaming Phone in China, as it had promised. It has a 5.99-inch FHD+ display, is powered by Snapdragon 845 SoC with up to 8GB RAM, liquid cooling to keep the phone cool when gaming by reducing the CPU’s core temperature by up to 8-degree. It has a dedicated One-touch SHARK key that provides immersive gaming experience. You can use the fingerprint sensor on the front to quickly access several features such as silent mode, DND and more when gaming. There is a glowing logo on the back of the phone.
Category: Black Shark
Xiaomi Black Shark Gaming Phone surfaces in hands on video ahead of April 13 announcement
Xiaomi’s Black Shark is all set to introduce a gaming smartphone tomorrow, April 13th. Rear image of the phone already surfaced in an image, now a brief video has surfaced in China showing off both the front and back. This shows a standard smartphone design with fingerprint sensor on the front, dual rear cameras and a glowing light on the back.
Xiaomi Black Shark gaming phone with rugged design, dual-rear cameras surfaces in live image
Xiaomi is all set to announce the Black Shark gaming phone on April 13th, now ahead of the official launch, the phone has surfaced online revealing the rear-side design of the phone. Unlike most of the smartphones launching these days, the Black Shark comes with a rugged design much like the Galaxy S active series phones. Continue reading “Xiaomi Black Shark gaming phone with rugged design, dual-rear cameras surfaces in live image”
Xiaomi Blackshark SKR-A0 gaming phone with Snapdragon 845, 8GB RAM surfaces again in benchmarks
A new smartphone code-named Blackshark surfaced on AnTuTu, now the phone has surfaced on Geekbench listing revealing the code-name of the phone as SKR-A0. This is believed to be Xiaomi’s first gaming smartphone under the new Black shark brand, in which Xiaomi started investing last year.