Mobiistar has launched X1 Notch, the company’s latest mid-range smartphone in India. It has a 5.7-inch HD+ screen with a notch, is powered by MediaTek Helio A22 12nm SoC with up to 3GB of RAM, runs Android 8.1 (Oreo), has a 13-megapixel camera on the front and back with AI features, face unlock, fingerprint sensor on the gradiant back, Dual 4G VoLTE, dedicated dual SIM and microSD card slots and a 3020mAh battery.
Category: Mobiistar
Mobiistar C1 Shine with 5.34-inch 18:9 display, Face Unlock launched in India for Rs. 6100
Mobiistar has launched C1, the company’s latest smartphone in the ‘C series’ in India. It has a 5.34-inch FWVGA+ display, is powered by a quad-core MediaTek MT6739 processor with 2GB of RAM, runs Android 8.1 (Oreo), has a 13-megapixel rear camera and a 8-megapixel front camera, both with LED flash. It doesn’t have a fingerprint sensor, but comes with face unlock.
Mobiistar C1 Lite, C1, C2, E1 Selfie and X1 Dual launched in India for offline market starting at Rs. 4340
Vietnam-based Mobiistar forayed into the Indian market with the XQ Dual and CQ selfie smartphones back in May. Today it has launched five new selfie smartphones – C1 Lite, C1, C2, E1 Selfie and X1 Dual in the country for the offline market. The company did not share the SoC details and Android version for most of the smartphones, we will update the article when we get them. Continue reading “Mobiistar C1 Lite, C1, C2, E1 Selfie and X1 Dual launched in India for offline market starting at Rs. 4340”
Mobiistar XQ Dual Review
Mobiistar, yet another new brand has made its debut in the Indian market earlier this week with XQ Dual with Dual front camera setup at a competitive pricing of Rs. 7999 . How good is this mobile? lets check it out. Continue reading “Mobiistar XQ Dual Review”
Mobiistar CQ with 5-inch HD display, 13MP front camera launched in India for Rs. 4999
Along with the XQ Dual, Mobiistar also launched the CQ, a budget selfie smartphone in India. It has a 5-inch HD screen, is powered by a quad-core Snapdragon 425 SoC with 2GB of RAM, runs Android 7.1 (Nougat), has an 8-megapixel camera on the back and a 13-megapixel camera on the front with face beauty. Continue reading “Mobiistar CQ with 5-inch HD display, 13MP front camera launched in India for Rs. 4999”
Mobiistar XQ Dual with 5.5-inch 1080p display, dual front cameras with flash launched in India for Rs. 7999
Vietnam-based Mobiistar has forayed into the Indian market with the XQ Dual, a selfie-focused smartphone. It has a 5.5-inch 1080p display, is powered by Octa-Core Snapdragon 430 Mobile Platform with 3GB of RAM and runs Android 7.1 (Nougat). The main highlight of the smartphone is its 13-megapixel front camera and an 8-megapixel secondary front camera with 120-degree wide-angle lens for group selfies and face beatuty. There is also an LED flash on the front to capture selfies even in low lighting conditions. Continue reading “Mobiistar XQ Dual with 5.5-inch 1080p display, dual front cameras with flash launched in India for Rs. 7999”