Xiaomi is all set to launch its Mi devices in India today. The Xiaomi Mi3 is already confirmed and the 16GB version is priced at Rs. 14,999. It is also expected to launch the Redmi Note and the Redmi 1S at the even today. Yesterday Flipkart confirmed that it would be exclusively selling the Mi3 smartphone in India. We reported that Xiaomi will have service centres in several cities across India. Continue reading “Watch Xiaomi Mi India launch live”
Category: Xiaomi
Exclusive : Xiaomi will have service centers in India
Xiaomi the Chinese phone maker is all set to enter India tomorrow where the company will officially unveil its products for the Indian market. While most of you including myself are impressed with the design and build quality of the Xiaomi phones, what if something goes wrong, how do I get it fixed? Most of you have been asking us if the company will have service centers in India and we just have some interesting news to share. We just heard from a reader who has supplied us with the service center list and looks like Xiaomi is going to take its India operations quite seriously with service centers in major cities across the country. You can find Xiaomi India Service Center List after the break.
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Flipkart confirms Xiaomi Mi3 exclusivity with launch teasers
Flipkart, one of India’s largest e-commerce retailers, has started teasing the Xiaomi Mi3 on its social media channels, tacitly confirming their exclusive deal with the Chinese company. Flipkart’s foray into exclusivity started with Motorola’s devices, as the company, recently bought by Lenovo, sought to take advantage of their previously lost distribution channel partnerships here. Xiaomi, on the other hand, is used to selling exclusively on its own websites, even outside China, without the overhead of a traditional distribution channel or advertising, so the Flipkart partnership must have been natural for them.
Looking for our Xiaomi Mi3 review? Go here.
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Xiaomi teases more devices; Redmi series to launch in India on July 15th?
The Xiaomi Mi3 launch in India has been a revelation of sorts. Everyone’s now talking about the manufacturer, which remained unheard of by quite a section of the Indian audience until a few months back.
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Xiaomi Mi4 with metal build could be unveiled on July 22nd
Xiaomi entered the Indian market earlier this week with the Mi3 that would go on sale in the country soon. The Xiaomi Mi3 is still its flagship smartphone that was announced last year. Today, the company’s co-founder and president Lin Bin announced on Weibo that Xiaomi will hold their annual product launch event on July 22nd. Continue reading “Xiaomi Mi4 with metal build could be unveiled on July 22nd”
Xiaomi Mi3 Photo Gallery
The Xiaomi Mi3 we reviewed yesterday, has been officially priced in India for Rs. 14,999. The phone comes with a 5 inch 1080p screen and a minimalistic design and build wraps around the display to bring forth a solid device. While we discussed about its design, build and ergonomics in our review, we find it apt that the device receive a separate photo walkthrough without too much of text coming in the way. So, here you go, a separate photo gallery for the Xiaomi Mi3, which, in case you are planning to get one, could be helpful.
In another Singapore flash sale, Xiaomi sells 5,000 Redmi Note units in 42 seconds
Although it’s the Indian wing of Xiaomi that’s making the most noise for reasons obvious (read: Xiaomi Mi3 launch in India), other, regional Xiaomi branches are making sure they aren’t left behind.
Xiaomi Mi3 Review: Game Changer
Xiaomi made its name in the global scene from its home market, China. The company, initially making its own custom ROMs (MIUI) for Android devices, entered the highly competitive world of hardware with its Mi range of smartphones. After a few iterations, the company unveiled Mi3, Xiaomi’s latest flagship device, packing top end specifications, but at a very low price unmatched by the competition. This is all thanks to Xiaomi’s business model where it sells to its consumers directly, without the overhead of a distribution channel on the price. After hiring Android VP Hugo Barra, the company recently took its operations to other countries like Singapore and Malaysia, where it saw success, and is finally here in India, where its flagship Mi3 will go on sale the 15th of July, at a shockingly low price of Rs. 14,999 (Update: Now Rs. 13,999) Even just by looking at the on-paper specifications, one can say it is already worth it. In fact, it could even be perceived as undervalued, but what about the details, you ask? That’s where our in-depth review can help, read on.
Video Review
Xiaomi Mi3 to launch at just Rs. 14,999 in India, goes on sale July 15th
Xiaomi is known to be a success story in its native country ie China and we expected to see competitive pricing for its products here in India too. Color us surprised to see how low a price point Xiaomi has been able to hit with its Mi3. To launch at Rs. 14,999 the phone brings top of the line specifications.
Read the full review of the Xiaomi Mi3 here
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Xiaomi might launch in India on July 11th
Xiaomi India has started teasing its India launch on their Mi India Facebook page. After thanking the Mi fans for their support, it says “We have something special for YOU, do come back on 11 July 2014 for the announcement post.” This hints that the company might launch its first smartphones in India on July 11th. It could also be an announcement regarding the India launch. Continue reading “Xiaomi might launch in India on July 11th”
50000 Xiaomi MiPad units sold in 3 Minutes 59 Seconds on launch day
Xiaomi the famous Chinese phone maker had announced its plans to enter the tablet market with the Mi Pad back in May and looks like the tablet has gone on sale recently. A post on the official company forum says that Xiaomi sold 50000 units of the MiPad tablet on launch day thereby running out of stocks. Continue reading for some more breathtaking news. The 50,000 MiPads were sold out in just 3 minutes and 59 seconds. There is no mention about the location but we place our bets on China as it is the home market for handset maker which is now headed my Ex-Googler Hugo Barra. Priced aggressively at about 240 USD / Rs.14400 for the base 16GB version , the company is clearly taking on the Apple iPad Mini with its first tablet.
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Xiaomi sells 26.1 million smartphones in first half of 2014
Xiaomi today announced that it has sold 26.11 million smartphones in the first half of 2014. This is a 271% increase compared to its sales last year. In the year 2012 the company shipped 7.19 million units, and in 2013 it shipped 18.7 million units, so it has already exceeded the combined sales of both 2012 and 2013 within the first half of 2014.
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Xiaomi Mi3 Camera Samples
Xiaomi is all set to enter India really soon, with a portfolio of devices to be sold using the online-only business model, but in anticipation, we had already gotten the Mi3, the company’s flagship device. Selling for a low price, the Xiaomi Mi3 hopes to offer what every other flagship offers, but at a fraction of the price, much like the recently launched One Plus One. The Mi3 has a nice minimalistic design and solid build, but also packs powerful internals including a Snapdragon 800 processor that drives a 5″ 1080p display and also powers the camera experience on the device. We are going to focus on the camera part in this post specifically, to show how it performs in different conditions. So, skip past the break to view all the full resolution camera samples from the Xiaomi Mi3.
Xiaomi reportedly partners with Flipkart to launch two smartphones in India in July
Xiaomi would partner with online retailer Flipkart to launch its smartphones in India, according to a report from BGR India. The company is selling its smartphones in other countries through its own online stores. Motorola tied up with Flipkart to sell the Moto G and Moto E in India. Flipkart imported the Motorola devices, but Xiaomi will import the smartphones and Flipkart would sell them, according to the report. Continue reading “Xiaomi reportedly partners with Flipkart to launch two smartphones in India in July”
Xiaomi Mi3 Benchmarks
Xiaomi announced Mi3, its high-end smartphone back in September last year. We brought you unboxing of the smartphone recently, here we have its benchmarks. It is powered by quad-core Snapdragon 800 (MSM 8274AB) 28nm HPm Krait 400 CPU clocked at 2.3 GHz power core and has Adreno 330 GPU. 5-inch full HD display and runs on MIUI V5 based on Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean). Check out the synthetic benchmark scores below. Continue reading “Xiaomi Mi3 Benchmarks”