Zen Mobiles has launched Ultraphone U4, successor of the Ultraphone U1. It has a 4.3-inch (800 × 480 pixels) TFT capacitive touch screen display, but most of the specifications are similar to the Ultraphone U4, including a Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) OS, 1 GHz processor and 2G / GRPS support. It comes with a 3.2MP camera with flash and a VGA front-facing camera. It comes pre-loaded with apps such as Facebook, twitter and opera mini. Continue reading “Zen Ultraphone U4 Dual SIM Android phone with 4.3-inch display launched for Rs. 6499”
Category: Zen
Zen UltraTab A700 3G 7-inch Android Tablet with Voice calling launched for Rs. 9499
Zen Mobile has launched UltraTab A700 3G, their new tablet in the UltraTab range. It has a 7-inch (800 x 480 pixels) capacitive multi-touch display and runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) similar to the UltraTab A100. It is powered by a 1.2 GHz Cortex A8 processor. It has a SIM card slot that supports 3G/2G SIM cards and also comes with voice calling capabilities. It has 1.3 Megapixel front-facing camera for video calling and supports Flash playback for a rich entertainment experience. Continue reading “Zen UltraTab A700 3G 7-inch Android Tablet with Voice calling launched for Rs. 9499”
Zen Ultraphone U1 Dual SIM Android phone launched for Rs. 4999
Zen Mobiles launched range of Android tablets under UltraTab, now they have launched Ultraphone U1, their new phone running on Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). It has a 3.5-inch (480×320 pixels) TFT capacitive touch screen display and is powered by a 1 GHz processor. It has a 3.2MP camera with flash and comes with pre-loaded applications like Skype, Facebook, G-talk, MapMyIndia navigation app, Cricbuzz, nexGTV with Live TV, Loop Channels & VOD support and Ganesha Speaks astrology app.
Continue reading “Zen Ultraphone U1 Dual SIM Android phone launched for Rs. 4999”
Zen Mobiles launches UltraTab A900 with 9-inch display, Android 4.0 for Rs. 7999
Zen Mobiles has launched the UltraTab A900, successor of the UltraTab A100 that was launched in July. The UltraTab A900 has a 9-inch capacitive multi-touch display. It runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) similar to the UltraTab A100. It is sleek and has marble finish. It has 1.3 Megapixel front-facing camera for video calling and has support for Adobe Flash. It has Live Panel menu that lets users to customize the home screen content with images, bookmarks, social feeds and a application tray in the home screen with shortcuts to launch task manager, calendar, music player and more. Continue reading “Zen Mobiles launches UltraTab A900 with 9-inch display, Android 4.0 for Rs. 7999”