Smartphone Championship: HTC EVO 4G vs Samsung Galaxy S

Last match of FoneArena Smartphone Championship was between the Nokia N900 and Blackberry Storm 2, and our readers have chosen the Nokia N900 as a winner. The Nokia N900 got 488 votes, and Blackberry Storm 2 got only 143 votes, which is a quite less score. Well, N900 is now in the next round, and it will face the Palm Pre. Now lets head to the next match.

I was waiting for this match from a long time. The next match is between the HTC EVO 4G and Samsung Galaxy S, both are highly qualified phones and known as the best smartphones available in market, but now only one will win, so folks you have the voting right, so on your marks, get set, VOTE!

QWERTY Battle: E5, E71, E72 Extensive Table & Pictures Comparison

The Nokia E71 was (and still is, in many person’s opinions) the king of candybar QWERTYs from Nokia & Symbian. But the E71 is now 2 years old and has been replaced by a new iteration, the Nokia E72, and surprisingly another design, the E5. From the looks of it, the E5 is to the E72 what the E63 was to the E71 (no, this isn’t an IQ test question), a cheaper version that compromises on some aspects while still trying to retain the charming points of the original.

Below, is a point-by-point table comparison à-la-Steve Litchfield, between the E72 & E5, with the godfather of the two, the E71, thrown in for good measure. You can click on the image to access a slightly larger version. Continue reading “QWERTY Battle: E5, E71, E72 Extensive Table & Pictures Comparison”

Smartphone Championship: Nokia N900 vs BlackBerry Storm 2

The last match of FoneArena Smartphone Championship was between the Palm Pre and Nexus One, and I have a bad news for Android fans. Palm Pre beats Nexus One by a very big margin. Palm Pre got 625 votes, Continue reading “Smartphone Championship: Nokia N900 vs BlackBerry Storm 2”

Smartphone Championship: Nexus One vs Palm Pre

Okay folks, lets get back to the FoneArena Smartphone Championship. Due of some reasons, we were not able to manage the Tournament regularly, but now we are back and there will be a new match, every new day, so we apologize for the delay, and let’s get back to the tournament. Continue reading “Smartphone Championship: Nexus One vs Palm Pre”

Nokia E5 Hardware Tour Gallery

We recently got our hands on the Nokia E5, Nokia’s latest Eseries device after the E72. The E5 came alone in an envelope, so we couldn’t really unbox it, but we’ve taken it for a spin to show it to you from all angles.

The E5 bares a lot of resemblance, hardware-wise and specs-wise with the Nokia E72. It’s a candybar qwerty, and anyone who has used an E71 or E72 will find himself at home with the qwerty keyboard. It’s the same texture as both of its predecessors, with the same rounded keys, and a nice feedback to them. On top of it is a 2.4″ screen, 256k colors, with a light sensor and the ear piece.

Continue reading “Nokia E5 Hardware Tour Gallery”

Samsung Epic 4G First Impressions

The latest in the Samsung Galaxy S line-up, the Epic 4G, has arrived and we wanted to bring you our first impressions. First things first lets talk “phone talk” before we get into our first impression. The Epic 4G boast the latest in processor technology with the Hummingbird Cortex A8 1GHz processor. Out of the box the Epic 4G provides ample storage capacity with its 512 MB ROM as well as an included 16 GB micro SD card to store your media. The screen is powered by a 4.0-inch Super AMOLED capacitive display that offers HD-like quality. Our review unit is running Android 2.1 build Samsung ECLAIR.DG27 which to my understanding is what is shipping to its customers.  The Epic 4G is using the custom skin from Samsung named TouchWiz 2.5, which offers its customers a unique feel for the Android platform.

Continue reading “Samsung Epic 4G First Impressions”

Nokia C3 Review

Here is the FoneArena Nokia C3 review – an entry level QWERTY phone which is available for purchase in UK. The phone drew plenty of attention in Indonesia when it was launched a while ago.

The Nokia C3 looks at first glanced like a Nokia E72, but essentially it is a stripped down phone geared towards youngsters with a range of social networking applications at its heart. Continue reading “Nokia C3 Review”

Picture Gallery: HTC HD mini

I’m back with another brand new Picture Gallery for you, this time i took the HTC HD mini for a spin. The HTC HD mini is a small, very handy Windows Mobile Phone, with HTC Sense UI on top. It has a 600MHz processor, a 3,2″ capacitive touchscreen with 480×320 resolution, a 5 megapixel camera, 1200 mAh Battery and a very nice hardware body. I’ll have more to say in my upcoming review, in the meanwhile, enjoy those tasty pics, which you can find on my Flickr Page in full resolution!

Continue reading “Picture Gallery: HTC HD mini”

A Byte of Apple : The Lull Before the Storm?

All it took was a couple of innocuous third-party app screenshots in several patent applications Apple had filed late last year, and the next thing you know, vocal advocates of developer rights were screaming nothing short of bloody murder! If you haven’t tuned into the ‘Where To?’ furor that has erupted so far, what actually happened is this. Apple’s patent application described an integrated travel application for the iPhone, which allows you to for example feed an itinerary into your iPhone and have it send out notifications to your hotel and taxi service the moment you landed at your destination! It just so happened that in the description of the patent, there was a screen image that was pretty much a direct copy of the interface found in the third-party application ‘Where To?’. What was meant to illustrate a user interface that one might expect in such an app turned into quite something else. Instead of being treated as a tip of the hat to the developers of ‘Where To?’ for their excellent user interface, Apple has on their hands mass hysteria and blind panic that followed (in some circles, at least), with many claiming that Cupertino was trying to patent third-party application ideas and claim their IP to be its own. Things only quietened down when reps from Apple sat down with folks who developed ‘Where To?’ and discussed alternatives such as attributing the screenshot in the patent application to ‘Where To?’.

As loyal and fiercely protective developers get around a platform, Apple’s possibly learnt something out of this – reach out to your developers and keep them in the know, especially if their intellectual property figures anywhere in your documentation.

Continue reading “A Byte of Apple : The Lull Before the Storm?”

AppShopper Is Your Ideal App Store Friend

The Apple App Store has been growing to a point where you almost wonder if it’ll explode one day or if it can realistically get any larger. There are tons of cool new applications everyday, and many existing applications that drop prices every now and then. Getting up to date about those limited time offers can be very tedious if you’re interested in some apps or games but think they’re expensive now. Yes, there are actually tons of actual apps on the App Store that let you follow these offers, like BargainBin, PandoraBox, AppMiner, some of which let you create watchlists to monitor price changes. But let’s face it, do you remember to launch those apps everyday to check for changes, or do you find the badges notifications efficient? I didn’t, I wanted an email when one of my favorite apps drops its price, and I wanted a history of an app’s price to see if the developer tends to do frequent or infrequent offers on it so I can snatch it for a realistic price. That’s when I discovered AppShopper.

Continue reading “AppShopper Is Your Ideal App Store Friend”

Pictures and Impressions: 10 minutes with the iPhone4

Yesterday was my first day on the road again after my accident, that kept me out of everything for 4 weeks. I went to the local E-Store to buy a brand spanking new DSLR camera, and in doing so, i met a friend, who bought my “old” cam from me. What i forgot about was, that he recently bought a brand new iPhone4. Now you might wonder why i write about the jesus phone, when i usually rant against it. Well simple, i still dont like the iOS but designwise, Cupertino has hit the spot with this one. When i saw the pics on Gizmodo leaking, i wished nothing more that they’ll keep it and its not a simple prototype design. and they did. And i’m sorry Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, HTC, etc., but what you see here, is the best looking phone in recent history!

DSCN2995 Continue reading “Pictures and Impressions: 10 minutes with the iPhone4”