The last match of FoneArena Smartphone Championship was between the BlackBerry Storm 2 and MyTouch 3G Slide, and the winner of this match is BlackBerry Storm 2. Storm 2 won by 217 votes, and the MyTouch 3G Slide only got 151 votes. Continue reading “Smartphone Championship: HTC Desire vs SE Xperia X10”
Category: Headlines
Nokia N8 in India – Photo Gallery
We were invited to the Nokia N8 Preview Event in Delhi on Friday and here are some pics of the upcoming phone we wanted to share with you. In terms of hardware , the N8 is certainly a great device. The body is made of Anodized aluminum which gives a nice feel to the device and due to the metal used, this device will be available in various colors which you might have not seen on a Nokia phone before. Continue reading “Nokia N8 in India – Photo Gallery”
Smartphone Championship: BlackBerry Storm 2 vs MyTouch 3G Slide
The last match of FoneArena Smartphone Championship was between the Nokia N900 and HTC HD2, and the winner of this round is Nokia N900. Nokia N900 won the round by taking 684 votes out of 814, and HTC HD2 only got 130 votes out of 814. That’s a big victory for Nokia N900.
Now lets head to the next match. The next match is between the Blackberry Storm 2 and MyTouch 3G Slide. Storm 2 is no doubt a very good and decent phone. And MyTouch 3G Slide is T-Mobile USA latest device and it’s a successor to MyTouch 3G.
So folks are you ready? On your marks, get set, VOTE!
Smartphone Championship: Nokia N900 vs HTC HD2
The FoneArena Smartphone Championship is getting interesting and tough after every round. The last match was between the Droid X and Samsung GalaxyS, where Galaxy S takes the lead. Galaxy S won by 274 votes, and Droid X only got 134 votes, total votes are 408. Continue reading “Smartphone Championship: Nokia N900 vs HTC HD2”
Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini Review
Presenting a Review of the World’s smallest Android Phone the Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini.
A Byte of Apple : iPhone 4 set free
Phew! If you follow Apple as closely as I do, you’d know that they’ve been keeping us pretty busy over the past couple of weeks. If it was the iPhone 4 launch one week, it was the ‘Antennagate’ press con the next, and this past week, a slew of products and news kept the Apple-sphere agog about the latest from Cupertino.
In their signature Tuesday-morning-release style, Apple launched a number of updates to their existing product families, including an all-new 27-Inch LED Cinema Display and MacPros with upto 12 core CPU options, among others. Apple desktop users were given some trackpad love with the release of the Magic Trackpad, which gives iMac and Mac Pro users the ability to use the full set of gestures (including two-finger scroll, pinch to zoom, rotate, three and four-finger swipes) that Apple’s portable computer lines have enjoyed over the past couple of years. Oh, and they also launched a battery charger. Yep, an Apple battery charger, and guess what? It’s suddenly a rage all over the internet… jeez, a battery charger! I mean sure, it’s a nice little AA battery charger which minimizes ‘vampire draw’ by shutting off the power when the batteries are charged, and ships with six batteries which are claimed to last up to ten years. Only goes to show that just about any Apple news is big news! Continue reading “A Byte of Apple : iPhone 4 set free”
Contest : Opera Mini
Do you use Opera Mini in India ?
We have teamed up with folks from Opera who make the Mini yet awesome Opera Mini Browser to bring you an interesting contest Continue reading “Contest : Opera Mini”
Smartphone Championship: Droid X vs Samsung Galaxy S
The Fonearena Smartphone Championship is getting interesting after every match. We saw that the Nexus One and Palm Pre won in the 1st two matches and the next match was between the Apple iPhone 4 and the HTC EVO 4G.This was the best part of the competition so far , where these phones got a total of 6,200 votes. HTC EVO 4G won by taking 5,637 votes, and iPhone 4 got only 566 votes. That’s a very big loss for iPhone 4 Continue reading “Smartphone Championship: Droid X vs Samsung Galaxy S”
Micromax Q55 Bling – Photo Gallery
We finally got hold a Micromax Bling Q55 which is a stylish QWERTY Dual SIM phone aimed at gals who love the color pink than themselves. You might have seen Twinkle Khanna in the TV Promos with this Blingy Phone. Here are some photos of the phone for all the gals out there and guys looking to gift their gal a phone. Continue reading “Micromax Q55 Bling – Photo Gallery”
Smartphone Championship: HTC EVO 4G vs Apple iPhone 4
The Fonearena Smartphone Championship is going on very well. The first match was between the Nexus One and Apple iPhone 3GS, where Nexus One won. And now the second match results, Continue reading “Smartphone Championship: HTC EVO 4G vs Apple iPhone 4”
Smartphone Championship: HTC Droid Incredible vs Palm Pre
Well folks, the first match was between the Nexus One and the Apple iPhone 3GS, and Nexus One won by a good margin. Nexus One won clocking 266 votes, whereas Apple iPhone 3GS got only 119 votes, and total number of votes were 385. Continue reading “Smartphone Championship: HTC Droid Incredible vs Palm Pre”
Push Mail Fight – Blackberry vs Nokia Messaging vs Apple MobileMe !
We got a chance to compare the email deliverability times taken on 3 push mail platforms – Blackberry , Nokia Messaging and MobileMe. Watch the video after the break to find out which one is the fastest Continue reading “Push Mail Fight – Blackberry vs Nokia Messaging vs Apple MobileMe !”
Smartphone Championship: Nexus One vs Apple iPhone 3GS
There is a competition between everything in this world, and always the strong one is the winner. Here at, we always talk about mobile phones Continue reading “Smartphone Championship: Nexus One vs Apple iPhone 3GS”
Review: iPhone 4 Retina Display vs Samsung SuperAMOLED Display
The phone display is something we stare at constantly every day. We were blown away by the Samung Super AMOLED display when we saw the same at Mobile World Congress this year.Then came the Retina display from Apple on the new iPhone 4. Both the phones were set to 100% brightness with power saving off on the Galaxy S. Find out which display is better in this unique review. We also have a video comparison embedded below.
Continue reading “Review: iPhone 4 Retina Display vs Samsung SuperAMOLED Display”
Airtel to launch iPhone 4 in India by September or October
Bharti Airtel is working with Apple to launch the iPhone 4 in India by September or October according to a statement by Airtel’s CEO during the CII industry event.
Continue reading “Airtel to launch iPhone 4 in India by September or October”