Nokia PC suite 6.6 released

Nokia PC suite 6.6 released. One of the major improvements is support for text messaging in smartphones and better support for newer bluetooth stacks such as bluesoleil

Nokia PC suite 6.6 released. One of the major improvements is support for text messaging in smartphones and better support for newer bluetooth stacks such as IVT Bluesoleil and Microsoft Windows XP Bluetooth,Toshibha Bluetooth 3.0x and WIDCOMM Bluetooth 1.4


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Nokia Lifeblog 1.7 has arrived

Nokia Lifeblog 1.7, the latest version of Lifeblog, has arrived and is now available to download. Nokia N90 and Nokia N70 owners can now access a host of new features by downloading the latest mobile software.

Even without a Nokia N90 or Nokia N70, you can enjoy the benefits of updating your PC software (provided you don’t have Lifeblog version 1.0 on your phone). Make sure you’re up-to-date with the very latest Nokia Lifeblog has to offer – upgrade now, free of charge*!

Nokia Lifeblog 1.7 mobile software enables the following improved features:

1) Nokia N90 and Nokia N70 support
2) Landscape mode with 3×3 grid view on N90
3) The option to keep all SMS messages on your phone, even if they’re not in your favorites
4) Green shortcut key for all media types to call the sender of a message, blog a selected image/video/note, or go to the URL of a blogpost record, making double-click blogging a reality
5) New shortcuts to move items up or down in the blog post editor, or remove them altogether
6) Image name and date shown in full-screen view, with smooth scrolling to the next image
7) Zoom up to 800%, with current zoom level displayed
8) Extra info in the View Details box (including file size, file location, and image resolution)
9) T9 predictive text input available in the View Details box for faster name and location editing
10) Volume memory for video play

Upgrading to Nokia Lifeblog 1.7 PC software enables the following improved features:
New “nested” folder import allows the import of all videos/images within a selected folder and any subfolders, so you no longer have to select each video or image individually
N90 and N70 support
MP4 support



Nokia releases PC Suite 6.5

Nokia released its new version of PC Suite having better synchronization abilities, better stability, support for newer Series 60 phones as well as Series 80 phones like 9300, 9500.

Nokia releases PC Suite 6.5


Nokia released its new version of PC Suite having better synchronization abilities, better stability, support for newer Series 60 phones as well as Series 80 phones like 9300, 9500.

Download it from here