Opera Mobile 9.5 promises desktop browsing feel

Brand Wars are getting more and more public these days.

Opera is taking Microsoft’s Internet Explorer Mobile head on with Opera Mobile 9.5

They are claiming to be 2 times faster than Internet Explorer mobile.

Also they are promising a desktop browsing feel .

Tabbed browsing , autocomplete addresses, offline browsing etc.

sms_image.png Look at the image above , the software lets u save / send images right from any webpage.

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JuiceCaster coming to India

Are networking sites Facebook or Orkut banned at your workplace computers?

JuiceCaster to your rescue!

If you have a camera and a Windows enabled phone, you will be able to share your videos from your phone itself.


California-based Juice Wireless is all set to offer Indians this flexibility of publishing multimedia content from their phone to any person, group, Web site, or desktop with the help of JuiceCaster. Continue reading “JuiceCaster coming to India”

Nokia N82 Review

I have spent more than 3 weeks with a Nokia N82. This review is a summary of my personal experience with the device over this period of time. This smartphone is one of the fastest symbian phone i have ever used.Multi tasking is awesome and battery life seems good.

Nokia N82 in palm

Here are the box contents


Form Factor and Display

This is one phone which is as solid as a brick. No rattling sounds from the body.Its so firmly packed and its feels great to use it though its slightly huge.The body is in plastic but it does not look cheap , its actually a good fit in the palm. The phone weighs about 114g and is pretty decent when you take into account the features of the phone. Display is a 240×320 screen with 16 million colors. Its usable in most places even in the Sun.

Continue reading “Nokia N82 Review”

Diamond (phone) is forever


The Guinness Book of World Records announced the LeMillion as the world’s costliest mobile handset. I have observed one thing, all these costly phone makers launch their products in the US or the European countries, I suppose, they think that the elite people, who can afford their mobile handset, stay in these countries. Continue reading “Diamond (phone) is forever”

Now Geotag your photos for free using Nokia Location Tagger

If you have used Flickr a lot , you might have noticed that there’s a feature to place the photo taken on a Map.

Geotagging in simple words is relating the photo with the place at which it was taken.

location tagger

The rise of the inbuilt GPS or Global Positioning System in the latest Nokia phones has forced Nokia BetaLabs to launch a free application for its GPS phones called Location Tagger – a tiny app which captures the current co-ordinates of your phone and appends it to the EXIF information of your photo. Continue reading “Now Geotag your photos for free using Nokia Location Tagger”

World’s most Expensive Mobile Handset


Every mobile phone enthusiast has heard of the phone LeMillion. Even Vertu is like, cheap stuff in front of this phone. This phone is ultimate in the category of luxurious mobile phones. And when everybody around the world was speculating, which is the costliest mobile handset in the world, Guinness Book of World Records have come out with its verdict, which nobody can challenge (given Guinness’ reputation and genuine parameters). Continue reading “World’s most Expensive Mobile Handset”

Nokia new phones emerge

Nokia new phones have surfaced in the Nokia service software document v2007.44.3.30990 Phoenix, 19.12.2007. I found this on the site Nokiaport.de, it was in German so translated it for you. According to this site Nokia will be coming up with Nokia 6300i a 6650 6690 7070 and 7070b. I think 6300i will be higher version of Nokia’s popular slim phone 6300; 6690 will be of 6680; 7070 might be Nokia’s new version of 7710, the touch screen phone of Nokia which failed miserably. The images are not available yet but, the article was written by the administrator of Nokiaport.de, which I think, is a clear indication that this is not some kind of rumor.

Motorola might exit mobile handset business

Motorola’s mobile handset business is making big losses .. Moto’s sales went down almost 40% last quarter.

A Researcher from Nomura  ,Richard Windsor has pointed out that Moto might shut shop its loss making cellphone and mobile handset business to concentrate on other products. Researchers are late .. we hinted at this after Nokia bought Trolltech yesterday We said Continue reading “Motorola might exit mobile handset business”

Nokia Germany workers to get jobs in Nokia Romania factory

Nokia announced the closure of its German manufacturing facility at Bochum at the starting of the year 2008 and was very positive with respect to its manufacturing plans in Romania. The German council was not so happy about Nokia’s exit from Germany and the reasons the company had cited. The talks between the German Trade Union IG Metall and Nokia also failed. Now AFX News has reported that Nokia has eased up a little bit and is ready to accommodate its German facility workers in the new Romanian manufacturing facility. This has also been confirmed by sources within Nokia. Trade Union IG Metall is not aware of any such agreements but it seems that Nokia representatives will be again having a meeting with the Union guys and German politicians to sort out the details of this shifting. Nokia should understand that it is not easy to get away with comments like “less competitive” for a region like Germany.

Wireless Recharging

mwg_wireless_charging.jpg Wireless Recharging might soon become a reality
Singapore based MWG has announced that they are planning to launch handsets, which can be charged without any wires. This is really cool technology. The company has teamed up with Splashpower. Inductive charging will charge the cell phones. Not much information on this is available. But once commercialized wireless charging of phones will be hit with mobile users. Now you can sit at home with mobile phone, Continue reading “Wireless Recharging”

Coming soon , Nokia OSeries phones bbye NSeries

After Nokia’s recent acquisition of Trolltech and seeing from the loads of in house Open source initiatives seems like Nokia wants to get out a Open Source handset Series . We call it OSeries

nokia-n95-linux.jpgIt might sound funny but when we learnt abcd its its O after N…

Jokes apart .. Nokia  might be working on a Linux / OS handset lineup  .. Symbian has still a low adoption rate and its got a huge learning curve. Theres a huge Java developer community out there. Android handsets are expected to hit the market by mid 2008. So the Finnish handset maker might want to get some part of the Open Source / Linux handset market for sure..

For now this whole  OSeries things seems like a rumor but its closer to becoming a reality after their recent buy.

Continue reading “Coming soon , Nokia OSeries phones bbye NSeries”

Nokia buys open source greenphone maker Trolltech

The news is out Nokia buys yet another company. This time Nokia is buying a Norwegian Linux mobile developer firm Trolltech

Trolltech are the makers of the Greephone

The Finnish giant seems to be embracing the Qt or Qtopia mobile platform as Russ points out. Its seen as a move by the worlds largest handset maker to expand its software and internet based services.

Dr Kai Öistämö, the head of Nokia’s devices unit,said the acquisition would aid Nokia in its strategies of being “a leader of the converged world in internet mobility” and “growing consumer services and businesses solutions”.

So is this the rise of the mobile web 2.0 or is it just Nokia 2.0?


Continue reading “Nokia buys open source greenphone maker Trolltech”