The Transformer Concept phone

One look at it and you might be tempted to ask: Is this a phone? An instrument to communicate?


It has been designed by Shkinder Maxim, the phone works mainly as a cell phone but is also capable of taking photos/video and functions as a multimedia player, a projector, and even supports holographic imaging and 3D scanning.

Its called the Transformer Concept Phone Continue reading “The Transformer Concept phone”

Two Camera concept phone by Motorola

Motorola has released pictures of a concept phone being developed by them that has two cameras at the back of the phone, placed side by side.

Designed by Paris-based Lysandre Follet, this unusual dual-camera handset is designed for multi-tasking functionality, claims Motorola. Users can click pictures with one camera while they can shoot with the other one. Also, two separate flashes can be used together at one go.


Other features:

• Bluetooth Continue reading “Two Camera concept phone by Motorola”

Samsung G800 + Symbian S60 OS9.2 = Samsung G810

The same Samsung G800 with 5 megapixel camera sensor and 3x optical zoom, has been reinforced so that it can directly battle with the mighty Nokia N95 in the name of G810


Using the same software, Symbian Series 60 OS9.2 with Feature Pack 1 is quite a great move for Samsung’s Flagship (?) device to become one of the best in its kind.

* GSM/UMTS/3.6 Mbps HSDPA connectivity
* Symbian 9.2 OS with S60 3.1 UI
* 2.6″ 262K Color QVGA TFT display
* 5 megapixel camera with 3x optical zoom, anti-shake, face recognition, macro mode, autofocus, etc;
* 150 MB of memory and microSD memory card slot
* GPS navigation
* Wi-FI b/g
* Bluetooth 2.0 EDR, USB 2.0 (microUSB connector)
* 1200 mAh battery
* Dimensions: 104×52×9×18 mm Continue reading “Samsung G800 + Symbian S60 OS9.2 = Samsung G810”

Its official N82 in black

The long rumored black N82 is official There were many rumors about a black N82 in the last weeks, there were many photoshopped pictures of it, but now it´s official.

In my opinion it looks very good! I hope it will be available in Europe and Asia as soon as possible.

2246244590_396c28f44c_o.jpg Continue reading “Its official N82 in black”

Opera Mobile 9.5 promises desktop browsing feel

Brand Wars are getting more and more public these days.

Opera is taking Microsoft’s Internet Explorer Mobile head on with Opera Mobile 9.5

They are claiming to be 2 times faster than Internet Explorer mobile.

Also they are promising a desktop browsing feel .

Tabbed browsing , autocomplete addresses, offline browsing etc.

sms_image.png Look at the image above , the software lets u save / send images right from any webpage.

Continue reading “Opera Mobile 9.5 promises desktop browsing feel”

Nokia new phones emerge

Nokia new phones have surfaced in the Nokia service software document v2007.44.3.30990 Phoenix, 19.12.2007. I found this on the site, it was in German so translated it for you. According to this site Nokia will be coming up with Nokia 6300i a 6650 6690 7070 and 7070b. I think 6300i will be higher version of Nokia’s popular slim phone 6300; 6690 will be of 6680; 7070 might be Nokia’s new version of 7710, the touch screen phone of Nokia which failed miserably. The images are not available yet but, the article was written by the administrator of, which I think, is a clear indication that this is not some kind of rumor.

The LG KW838 Chocolate

I am a Reliance user and have been meaning to upgrade my handset for a very long time. I have a Nokia 6325 which is a neat handset, but lets face it, in the world of 3-5 megapixel cameras, MicroSD memory card options, Bluetooth, GPRS, GSM etc, this handset is antiquated.

But Reliance has few upgrade options that along with features, look super chic too. I don’t want a Black Berry, LG Chocolate hasn’t enough features, and the Nokia handsets by Reliance are just not good looking enough.

And then I come across this news item:

The latest LG Chocolate Phone KW838 can handle both CDMA and GSM cell phone signals. Continue reading “The LG KW838 Chocolate”

Gold Nokia 8800 Arte coming in 2008

Nokia showed the Art of Seduction by launching the Nokia 8800 Arte and Sapphire. These premium handsets are aimed at the elite and style conscious consumers. 24ct_Nokia_8800_arte_with_logo.jpg

The 8800 Arte series has brought 3G functionality to Nokia’s highly accepted 8800 series of premium phones. By the way this post is not bout the Arte series, Continue reading “Gold Nokia 8800 Arte coming in 2008”