Marvell announces Triple-Core processor for smartphone and tablets

You may have seen dual-core processor which is coming out later this year for smartphones and tablets, but what do you think about tri-core processor? Marvell has announced a tri-core 1.5 GHz SOC (system-on-a-chip), which is made for ultra low power usage, and will Continue reading “Marvell announces Triple-Core processor for smartphone and tablets”

iPhone Facebook Developer Quits!


Joe Hewitt, the brains behind the Facebook application for the Apple iPhone has quit further development of the application.

“Time for me to try something new. I’ve handed the Facebook iPhone app off to another engineer, and I’m onto a new project. My decision to stop iPhone development has had everything to do with Apple’s policies.” – Joe Hewitt Continue reading “iPhone Facebook Developer Quits!”

Forum Nokia Event on WRT Widgets at Chennai today

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Forum Nokia is organizing a day long event on WRT (WebRuntimeWidgets) at Chennai today at Hotel Park Sheraton. Entry is by Invitation only. I’m very much interested in the hands-on session which would teach one how to build WRT applications. Continue reading “Forum Nokia Event on WRT Widgets at Chennai today”