Win a Nokia E7 Contest : Day 4

nokia e7 contest day 4
Welcome to the last and final day of the Nokia E7 Smartlife Contest. Here is your last chance to win a Nokia E7. The Nokia E7 has a nice little feature which lets me access all my info such as emails , missed calls , messages, tweets in one place. I can even control my music player from here.Normally you would have to dive deep into menus to get all this info.And you have to keep going back and forth to access a single piece of information.

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Win a Nokia E7 Contest – Day 2

This is the second day of my secret mission Well, hopefully it won’t remain a secret for long, as most of you guys have found out where I am. We got an amazing response on Day 1. I would we using the Nokia E7 as my primary device for the 4 days of the contest. So, here goes the clue for Day 2.
nokia e7 contest day 2

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Win a Nokia E7 Contest : Day 1

As mentioned in an earlier post, The Nokia E7 Unboxing, I am at a secret location sent by Nokia India. It is up to you to guess my whereabouts.Now then, Where am I ? This is where Britishers entered India few centuries back. Crucial port city of our country, known for its popular spices and food too. Have I already revealed much? Don’t think so? Here is a picture taken with the E7

Nokia E7 Unboxing

We get our hands on the Nokia E7 which is expected to release in India this month . It’s already shipping in some markets around the world. The E7 is the first Symbian^3 phone with a full QWERTY keyboard. It’s pretty much a Nokia N8 with a downsized camera and larger display.  The phone features a Clear Black Display aka CBD

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